Choking up... What does it do?
GIF from hittingdaily.com Choking up on a bat, by moving your hands up the handle and closer to the barrel end of the bat, has been a...

Attack Angle vs. Launch Angle
Launch angle is one the terms being tossed around by nearly every hitting instructor, coach, general manager, and fan these days. Knowing...

From Five O'Clock to Prime Time
Every team has that guy... That guy who rolls in during pre-game batting practice and puts on an absolute power display; lasers all over...

What is an Ink Dot... and Why Does it Matter?
Bat manufacturers have been ink dotting maple bats since Major League Baseball (MLB) changed its rules regarding maple bats in 2009. What...

Welcome to our Blog!
Near the end of 2017, we mentioned that we would work to bring more value to our customers, subscribers, and supporters. By launching our...